Anatomy and Physiology:
Anatomy & Movement of Feet and Legs
Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy & Movement of Feet and Legs
$120.00 pre-paid
7 CEUs - provider #P00165
For those reflexologists who have had minimal A&P or want review, this is more in-depth knowledge specific to muscular-skeletal and nervous systems of feet and legs.
This is a combination of lecture, demonstration and palpation of skeletal and muscular structures of feet and legs.
2 hour lecture which includes review of tissue, joint movement and structure. Discussion of injuries and malformations of feet and practitioner’s role.
1 ½ hours of student identification and location of bones on a skeletal structure.
3 hour demonstration and student palpation skills for tissue, landmarks and mobility as well as sources and pathways of nerves, tendons and ligaments. Continued discussion of injuries practitioners face, such as sprains, bunions, heel spurs and plantar fasciitis, as they palpate each other’s feet.
½ hour: follow-up & evaluations.